
Rescued by Resources

Millions of people struggle with mental health each day. In America, 32% of adults reported experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression, according to the February 2023 U.S. Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey. May is National Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to recognize the role each of us plays in creating a safe environment where we feel empowered to speak up and get help when needed. Keep reading to learn the story of a Northrop Grumman project manager [who chooses to remain anonymous] who shared his experience battling and overcoming anxiety and depression.

Seeking Help

For those struggling with anxiety and depression, seeking help is often one of the biggest hurdles. Like many, this employee faced his struggles alone for much of his life. That was until he just couldn’t function with his anxiety and depression anymore. Alarmed and scared, he didn’t feel like there was a way out of the situation. “After taking a few days off work, I fell into a dark place,” he said.

His wife, also a Northrop Grumman employee urged him to call our NGCare Employee Assistance Program. Initially hesitant because of stigma around sharing emotions from his family, he called NGCare and spoke with a counselor who quickly understood what he was going through. After some conversation, he felt comfortable opening up and sharing things he hadn’t shared with anyone before. She then provided resources and connected him with professional support in his community.

The employee said the NGCare counselor saved his life by checking in daily, providing updates on his case, listening and saying to him, “Promise me you’ll be there to answer my call tomorrow.”

“I wouldn’t know where I would be without NGCare,” he said.

Remembering You’re Not Alone

After seeing his doctor, he went out on short-term disability for a couple months. During this time, his manager was there for him and checked in on him. “During my leave, I had the opportunity to get a grasp on what I was dealing with, how it affects me and the way I think,” he said. “I was able to understand how to better train myself to deal with it, but most importantly, knowing there are resources and people who can help. I don’t have to do it myself.”

Normalizing Conversations Around Mental Health

The employee expressed the need to destigmatize mental health issues. “I was open with my coworkers about my mental health challenges and because of that, others have come forward and expressed their experiences. It’s so important to encourage others to get [the] help they need.”

While mental health isn’t something everyone feels comfortable talking about, especially in the workplace, it’s proven to be just as important as physical health.

Accessing the Right Resources at the Right Time

“There are so many resources [Northrop Grumman] provides to help people,” he shared. 30,000 employees and family members accessed NGCare services in 2023, including counseling, work/life support, financial and legal consultations, webinars and workplace support following a crisis. Call 800-982-8161 to speak with a counselor, who can provide 24/7 support whenever and wherever you need it.

Consider attending the webinars below to learn more about mental health and the NGCare resources available to you and your family.


Written by: Emily Gabaldon

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