
Tipping the Balance

Work/life balance is something we all strive for, but in this technologically connected world it’s harder than ever to maintain clear boundaries and achieve this critical balance. Keep reading to learn what it means, why it’s important and what you can do to help find balance in your life.

What is Work/life Balance?

It’s an often-used term, which simply means achieving balance between your personal and professional life – however that looks for you. We all have responsibilities that require more or less of our attention, which brings the struggle to find balance between competing priorities. Here are four forms of struggle or conflict you may experience when it comes to your work/life balance:

  1. Role overload: When the total demands on your time and energy associated with the prescribed activities of multiple roles are too great to perform the roles adequately or comfortably.

  2. Work-to-family interference: When work demands and responsibilities make it more difficult to fulfill family responsibilities. For example, you may work long hours and miss your child’s sporting event or find you’re not able to enjoy home life after work due to work-related stress.

  3. Family-to-work interference: When family demands and responsibilities make it more difficult to fulfill work responsibilities. For example, your child or partner may be ill and supporting them causes you to miss work or events at home make it more difficult to concentrate at work.

  4. Caregiver strain: When a person provides care or assistance to someone in need but experiences emotional or physical strain as a result. For example, you may take care of an elderly family member and caregiving causes disruptions in your day-to-day life.

Why is Work/Life Balance Important?

Work/life balance can increase health and wellness, boost productivity and performance, improve talent retention and decrease absenteeism. It can also keep you and your colleagues safe at work, which has health benefits both in and out of the workplace.

Alternatively, failure to maintain work/life balance can lead to health issues such as stress, fatigue, burnout, anxiety and depression. It can also lead to decreased concentration and problem-solving abilities – all of which can put you and your coworkers at a higher risk for accidents and injuries.

If you have work safety questions or concerns, please contact the Environmental Health and Safety organization and visit our enterprise webpage to learn how we’re keeping Northrop Grumman employees safe.

How Can I Achieve Work/Life Balance?

Achieving work/life balance is unique to each person, but here are a few ideas to get you on the right track:


Written by: Brittany Lynch

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