
Boost Your Career Growth with Education

At Northrop Grumman, our culture of continuous learning drives our people and products to deliver cutting-edge technology and make a difference in communities around the world. With the immense scale and scope of our business, you can shape your career journey with diverse roles and experiences that are personally satisfying and fulfilling.

From free educational materials to technical, leadership and functional development programs, you have access to a wealth of growth and development resources including EdAssist, our company’s education assistance program. Here are four things to know about this benefit:

  1. You can receive up to $10,000 per year toward educational costs. When pursuing continuing education opportunities, such as a college degree or a professional or technical certification, EdAssist funding can be used to pay for eligible costs. Some common costs include tuition, required textbooks, registration or enrollment fees, lab fees, technology fees and graduation fees.

  2. An educational coach is available to you for free. EdAssist coaches can help you identify your educational goals, as well as find tuition savings and discounts. You’ll also receive a personalized education plan that can be used in development discussions with your manager. Call 855-222-2398 or visit EdAssist and click Schedule A Coaching Appointment under Coaching & Resources.

  3. To qualify, you must meet program requirements and have manager approval. You must be an active, benefits-eligible U.S. employee who works 20 or more hours per week. Additionally, your manager must approve your program participation. Talk with your manager about your desire to expand your experience, education or exposure in a desired area. Your manager can help determine if a program or certification is job related, supports the company’s objectives, as well as if it supports your career growth and development.

  4. Free resources must be used before applying for EdAssist. Northrop Grumman pays for your ability to access digital learning platforms such as My Learning Experience with content from Global Learning Exchange, LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, Blue Ocean Brain and more. Some of these resources even offer courses and certifications from universities around the world, covering hundreds of in-demand topics.

Ready to learn more?

Read this article to view the company’s Education Assistance Program Policy, a guide to getting started and program FAQs. You can also visit the Career Development Hub, Northrop Grumman’s all-in-one platform for career planning, networking and professional development, for more ways to expand your expertise, feed your curiosity and fuel your passions.


Written by: Caitlin OConnor

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