
A Little “Me Time”

Most are familiar with the airline safety rule that if an emergency situation occurs, you should put your own oxygen mask on first, before attempting to help those around you. The same is true for self-care.

Self-care is beneficial for our self-esteem and allows us to better understand our strengths and weaknesses. While some may think of self-care as spa treatments or extravagant activities, the reality is it will look different for each of us. What’s most important is choosing an activity that will positively impact your daily life.

Here are some simple self-care ideas and Northrop Grumman resources to get you started:

As you set goals to improve or implement a self-care routine, keep in mind that it can take about 66 days for a behavior change to become a habit. By sticking to your plan and putting in the effort day in and day out, you’ll develop habits that pave the way for your growth and success, whether it's in your career or personal life.

Remember, we’re not superheroes. It’s okay to fall down, but you have to get back up. So, if you’re noticing your New Year’s resolutions are losing momentum, consider adjusting or setting new goals using the information in this article.


Written by: Jillian Verzwyvelt

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